en construction
Art Residency JCE BIENNALE (Paris)
October 2017 - January 2018
Works selected for
--> <35ART (Sala Parés Barcelona; FAC Grecco 2 Madrid)
--> Redis
A series of works conceiving “construction as self-construction” – or the transformation of oneself through making, measuring and counting.
"Les restes" piece purchased by Sabadell Bank Foundation

Palau Solterra (Torroella de Montgrí, GR)
Premi de Fotografia de la Fundació Vila Casas 2023
Preludi, 2023
Analog photography 35mm
Digiprint on cotton paper / 30 x 40 cm each
A visual essay about the expectation that a women-object has to fulfil within a heteropatriarchal society. The ritual of the body over the dress acts as a prelude to the desire for freedom. The body activates the object of the dress -passive element- with the act of undressing, fleeing the dress. A metaphor for the liberation of that second skin that surrounds and protects us, but which also limits us.
[cat] Assaig visual sobre les expectatives que ha de complir una dona-objecte dins de la societat heteropatriarcal. El ritual del cos sobre el vestit actua com a preludi al desig d'alliberament. El cos activa l'objecte del vestit (element passiu) amb l'acció de desvestir-se, fugint del vestit. Una metàfora sobre l'alliberament d'aquesta segona pell que ens envolta i ens protegeix, però a l'hora limita.