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en construction
Art Residency JCE BIENNALE (Paris)
October 2017 - January 2018
Works selected for
--> <35ART (Sala Parés Barcelona; FAC Grecco 2 Madrid)
--> Redis
A series of works conceiving “construction as self-construction” – or the transformation of oneself through making, measuring and counting.
"Les restes" piece purchased by Sabadell Bank Foundation

7 dresses were placed around the Castello di Squilacce in an attempt to explore the unknown memories of the female body in the space of a "fortified" castle to question the touchability of the body and its desire of expansion out of its limits. Moving towards the space of refuge and its atemporality, the dresses are photographed and translated into fragmented lines and embroidered in a textile (measure of the Castle's window). The impossibility of legally touching the Castle made use the castle as a photographic scenario, playing with the idea of the presence-absence through the sculptures and the textiles.

Touch me not, 2021
Dress, stone and photographic transfer (hand of Hestia -ancient greek mythology of the hearth and home)

Found fresco "Noli me tangere" at Palazzo Pepe, Squillace (Calabria, Italy)

Textile work hanging from a balcony in the patio of the Palazzo Pepe, Squillace.
Textile embroidery taken from the shape of the 7 dresses fallen dresses installed in the Castello di Squillace.
The textile is inspired from one of the castle window's. Using my body to find out the size of the window, the textile will act as “doors” drawing from to the word dhwer (Proto-Indo-European root) that designates both the door and the border, separating what is inside and what is outside, the symbol of both connection and separation of the world from the other. This dichotomy, seen from the inside, can guarantee a space for refuge.
Analog photography
Photo essay for Forme Uniche, IT (upcoming soon)

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